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RAMMR is an old Norse word meaning “strong of body; mighty of capability.” This name was chosen because its definition, while being focussed on strength and capability, can mean any number of things to any number of people.

To someone, Rammr might mean being able to lift more weight than they ever have before. To someone else, it might mean being able to keep up with their kids or grandkids. To another, it might mean reaching the next level of performance in whatever sport they play.   

Whatever Rammr means to you, my goal is to help you achieve strength in your body, and mightiness in your capability. 

About KYLE
I was born and raised in Saskatchewan, playing every sport I could from a young age - I’ve always been interested in sport, fitness, and how the body moves. 

After graduating high school, I moved to the united states to play college baseball and begin my post-secondary education. 

After a few years away from home, I moved back to focus on my schooling. While attending the university of Saskatchewan and getting my bachelors degree in kinesiology, I started working at PACE Training in 2017. Since then, I’ve been training both groups and individuals with the goal of helping people achieve their fitness goals. 

I graduated with my kinesiology degree in 2020 and have since been expanding my clientele, continuing with my goal of helping other improve themselves through fitness. 

kyle - personal trainer
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