Are you getting enough protein? Or are you getting too much?
Protein is a very important nutrient for the growth and development of muscles. As many people know, it is a building block for muscles when trying to put on size. What is less well known about protein is that it is a very satiating/satisfying nutrient, meaning it helps you feel more full and satisfied. In […]

Protein is a very important nutrient for the growth and development of muscles. As many people know, it is a building block for muscles when trying to put on size. What is less well known about protein is that it is a very satiating/satisfying nutrient, meaning it helps you feel more full and satisfied.

In short, protein is an important nutrient and you should be paying attention to your protein intake regardless of your goals. A good guideline would be to consume approximately 1 gram of protein, daily, per 1 kilogram of your bodyweight. That being said, everyone's needs will vary depending on personal goals, body type, etc.

Too much protein?

One important thing to note about protein is that your body can only utilize/absorb so much of it. Studies suggest that the human body can absorb between 5-9 grams of protein per hour, for a grand total of 120-216 grams per day. Anything more than this is likely not utilized and will instead be flushed from the body through various bodily functions. Yes, this is a very wide range but remember that everyone's body is different and will absorb protein at different rates.

Protein supplementation

One thing that everyone is likely well aware is protein supplements such as protein powders, shakes, etc. Anytime you hear the word "supplement" you should think of it as just that: supplemental.

Supplements are not meant to be used as replacements for any aspect of a healthy, complete diet - they should be viewed as additive parts of a diet if and when you are deficient in a certain nutrient. This rings true whether the deficiency is based on recommended daily values for the average person or your own values needed to achieve your goals.

To wrap things up...

Protein is a nutrient of great importance and your daily needs will likely vary based on your goals, among other factors. A good guideline is to consume about 1 gram of protein, per day, per kilogram of bodyweight - this number will vary depending on whether you are looking to gain muscle mass or lose weight, but is still a good guideline to start.

I would suggest using some sort of food tracker that includes nutrient counts, such as the one found on the Fitbit app. This will give you a good idea as to how much protein you are consuming daily and whether or not that amount is helping you achieve your goals.

Rammr - strong of body; mighty of capability

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